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Instrumentation and Go

Posted at — Jun 25, 2019

Instrumentation is anything that allows you to make measurements. For example the speedometer in your car that measures your speed or the smoke detector in your house that measures how good of a cook you are. Instrumentation collects hard facts that you can use to understand and explain the world. Instrumentation is critical to our understanding of software.

In this series of posts we will walk through several techniques for instrumenting Go programs. Most of these will generalize to other languages but I put a special emphasis on Go since it has some unique challenges and it is the language I am most experienced with.

Animalcules and Atoms

One of my favorite stories is about the development of the microscope. In 1676, a Dutch cloth merchant named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek improved the design of the early microscope in order to inspect the fibers of clothing that he sold. His microscope was way better than any that previously existed because of the lenses he used. He was able to see clear, focused images of high magnification for the first time!

He used his microscope to study the water in Holland. He discovered that the water was infested with little creatures, single-celled organisms that he called kleine diertgens, or as they were called in English: animalcules. I love that name, it’s so adorable!

By developing this new instrument Antonie was able to observe the microcosm of life previously invisible to the human eye. He discovered bacteria, red blood cells, spermatozoa, and muscle fibers. Can you imagine living in a world where no one knew that bacteria existed, or that they could cause disease? That is the world we lived in for a majority of our existence. The microscope changed all that!

Microbiology has a hard dependency on the microscope. Without the microscope, we could not have developed the germ theory of disease and modern medicine would not exist.

A new kind of instrumentation was required to achieve a new level of understanding.

Modern microscopes can see soo far into the world of the small that we can image individual atoms. I recently learned about a movie that was made by IBM research called “A Boy and His Atom” where each frame was created by imaging carbon monoxide molecules using a scanning tunneling microscope.

This is incredibly awesome! This instrument allows us to study the surface properties of materials. It is an important tool in research into semiconductors and microelectronics.

Again, new kinds of instrumentation are required to achieve new levels of understanding.

Instrumentation in Software

In software, instrumentation allows us to make measurements of our systems and understand their execution and behavior. This understanding not only allows us to solve problems, ideally before they occur, but also helps us grow as software practitioners, learning more about how systems interoperate with the software we write.

I like to divide software instrumentation into a hierarchy with three main categories:

Static and Always On

This type of instrumentation is what you are likely most familiar with. You add it to your source code in advance and it is always running, making observations. The observer effect ensures that this is not free of cost. You pay a performance penalty for all measurements. As a result, you can not cover every part of your system. Some examples of this kind of instrumentation are:

These forms of instrumentation are incredibly valuable and are usually the first place to look when investigating a problem.

Static and Requires Activation

This type of instrumentation you also add to your source code in advance. However, since it is not always running you can cover more of your system and only pay the performance cost when you enable it. Examples include:


With static instrumentation, you have to know, in advance, what sort of questions you might want to ask of your system. This is a major disadvantage. When you have a running program that you want to measure, if you did not think of the proper instrumentation in advance, you will have to add more instrumentation to the code, re-compile, and redeploy/restart. This can lead to a frustratingly slow iteration cycle when debugging. If it took three weeks for the system to get into a failing state, waiting another three weeks to get an answer to a question is unacceptable.

We need a new kind of instrumentation to achieve a new level of understanding!

This is where dynamic instrumentation comes into play. The goal of dynamic instrumentation is to add instrumentation logic to a running program, without it knowing. Nothing special needs to be done in advance, any binary the Go compiler produces should work.

Streetlight Effect

The “streetlight effect” is an excellent analogy that illustrates the benefits of dynamic instrumentation. If you are unfamiliar with the story, there is a man looking for his wallet under a streetlight. A cop stops to help the man. After some time looking under the streetlight, the cop asks the man if this is where he lost his wallet. He says “No, I lost it in the park but this is where the light is.”

Understandably, it is silly for the man to be looking under the streetlight. However, what are his alternatives, wander aimlessly in the dark?

In this analogy, the streetlight is an example of static instrumentation. If the man lost his wallet under one of those streetlights then he is all set. Similarly, if the problem you are investigating is covered by your static instrumentation then no problem.

In the case where the man lost his wallet in the park, he really just needs a flashlight to go looking for it. That is what dynamic instrumentation is, a flashlight that you can shine on any part of your system, as it is running, and collect the data that you need.

The other day I ran across a thread on the golang-devs mailing list where Rob Pike and others were discussing this stuff. Rob said:

I want a toolkit that can examine running programs and answer questions about them. Questions I don’t know until the problem arises…

I’d like not to require compilation-time changes. I’d like to come to an arbitrary program while it’s running…

I want a programming interface above which I can build whatever is needed, either generally-useful tools or ad hoc probes. And the programming language I want to use for this is Go.
Rob Pike

What Rob wants is a flashlight. Unfortunately, I don’t believe a toolkit that matches his specific criteria exists, yet. However, there have been many advances since this discussion that provide a good deal of capability.

In the next few posts on this topic, I will cover techniques that I have used to dynamically instrument Go programs. These include:

I have gotten a good deal of benefit out of using these techniques, I hope you do as well. Stay tuned!